
Tuesday 9 March 2021

The Perfect Wedding Diet

Wanting to look your best on the wedding day? Then this write is for you. Exercise

and diet alone will not work for weight loss. You need to focus on all aspects of your health

conditions to make out a perfect diet chart. Every bride wants to look fabulous on their

wedding day, yes that is common and totally normal. So, we have got you covered on some

of the major factors you need to concentrate on for a proper wedding diet. Note down these

pieces of advice to look great on your wedding day.

First, implement a simple change in your daily routine, so it will gradually improve your

health and look of your body. Because sudden caloric deprivation is dangerous to health and

at the same time it is impossible to maintain.

● Split up your meals: Mix your mind that you will eat very minimally to lose weight.

At the same time, skipping meals is not advisable. So, it's better to split up three large

meals into five to six evenly spaced meals throughout the day to balance the


● Concentrate more on Fiber and Protein: Go for protein and fiber rich food

products. Make note that each meal you eat has 10 grams of protein and five grams of

fiber. In total you need to have 60 grams of protein and 25 grams of fiber in your

food. For better calculation check out the nutrition labels on the food products you

buy. Use dairy products such as Milk(250ml), Paneer(100g), Curd(1cup).

● Carbohydrates: Carbs play a vital role in diet plans. Intake of Barley, Whole-Wheat

Pasta, Whole-Wheat Bread, Black Beans, and Oatmeal can help you reduce weight.

Including three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruits per day in your diet

chart. Avoid taking grain enrichment products and pasta products which include

semolina in it.

Let’s have a look at the Top 3 easily available Vegetables that you can include in your diet


1. Tofu and soy milk: Important sources of protein, especially for vegans and

vegetarians. It also contains isoflavones such as phytoestrogens. Just 1 cup of tofu and

soy milk will do the magic.

2. Almonds and Peanuts: Add 10 almonds a day and 30 peanuts(approx.) to your diet.

Apart from healthy fat and protein these nuts pack a number of vitamins and minerals,

including magnesium and vitamin E.

3. Mushrooms: Add about 100g of mushrooms to your diet plan. Mushrooms provide

many important nutrients, including vitamin B, potassium, copper and when exposed

to sun Vitamin D.

Now let's have a look at the exercise regime to be followed. Choose the workout that you

could balance and follow. Make sure your health condition is wise to take up the workout.

Minimum 30 minutes of workout at the initial days of the week will be a good start. You

need to combine all the three different types of workouts like cardio, weights and flexibility

into your daily routine.

Here are some things you’ll want to incorporate into your fitness schedule.

● Cardio: First comes the cardio, 3 to 4 cardio workouts for 30 minutes makes your

exercise fun by taking a fast walk or going for swimming, play tennis, go for cycling

or job with your pet.

● Flexibility: Stretch for 20 minutes per day. Stretching will help you stay flexible. Do

incorporate initial floor exercise in your schedule. This will help to overcome muscle

imbalance, injuries and postural distortion. Bend forward and touch your feet, rotate

your arms in clockwise direction, head crunch and shoulder press are some of the

initial stretch exercises which can incorporate in your daily exercise.

● Strength or weight lifting: Weight lifting workouts for 3 to 4 days a week, for 30 to

40 minutes. Take each strength workout for at least 10 minutes for better results. Try

to incorporate physioball, discs, and BOSU in your workouts.

A proper diet with parallel exercise will give you a better output. Other than that, keep

yourself away from stress and take proper 8 hours sleep and have a great look on your

wedding day. Ideally start the workout and diet practice 1 month before the wedding date.

This diet plan can make you lose up

to 10kgs. Starting even early will give really amazing

results. Staying focused and consistent is all that matters.

Kalyanamalai wishes you a Happy Married Life!!

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